
提供: Eospedia
2015年4月21日 (火) 23:53時点におけるTacyas (トーク | 投稿記録)による版

移動: 案内検索

GATAN DIgital Micrographのフォーマットです。 開発の際に、[] にある情報を理解するためにこちらにまとめました。加えて、こちらが理解したデータについても加えています。


 画像は、ヘッダー、タグディレクトリ、ファイルの最後を示したNULL(8文字)からなっている。 タグディレクトリは、タグか複数のタグディレクトリを階層構造として持つ事ができる。

 画像は、"ImageList"と名付けられたtag directoryに格納されている。一つ以上の画像を格納できる。


タグ or タグディレクトリ


 version   i4be    DM version = 3
 rootlen   i4be    Size of root tag directory in bytes = file length - 16
 byteord   i4be    Byte order, 0 = big endian (Mac) order,
                               1 = little endian (PC) order

Root tag directory


 sortf     i1      Sorted, 1 = sorted (normally = 1)
 closef    i1      Closed, 1 = open (normally = 0)
 ntags     i4be    Number of tags in root directory (12h = 18) 内部にあるタグ(もしくはタグディレクトリの数)

Tags and tag directories in root tag directory


 tag       i1      tag, 14h or 15h or 0 for end of file (0x14, 0x15, 0x00)
 ltname    i2be    tag name length in bytes, may be 0
 tname     a       tag name (length ltname), may be absent
 ...               tag directory or tag data


 8*00     End of file is marked with 8 nulls
   tag      00
   ltname 00 00
   tname  00 00 00 00 00



 00 00 00 03  バージョン                                          dmFileHeaderTailRead
 00 22 59 b9    ファイルサイズ - 16                            dmFile3HeaderRead
 00 00 00 00  バイトオーダー
 01                      Root tag: Stored                                dmFile3TagDirectoryHeaderRead
 00                      Root tag: Closed
 00 00 00 12  Root tagの数
 15       TagID                                                  dmFile3TagHeaderRead
 00 11                TagNameのバイト数  
 41 70 70  6c 69 63 61  74 69 6f 6e 
                          TagName("Application")                    --> Tags
 14       TagID                                                  dmFile3TagHeaderRead 
 00 11                TagNameのバイト数  
 41 70 70  6c 69 63 61  74 69 6f 6e 
                          TagName("Application")                     --> Tag Directories

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ファイルの終わり              dmFileHeaderTailRead

Tag directories と Tags

Root tag directoryや下位層のtag directoriesにおいて、その内部構造としてタグ、もしくは、タグディレクトリがあることの判断をする部分

 0x14 = 20 : タグディレクトリ(更に下位にタグディレクトリがある)
 0x15 = 21 : タグ
 0x00 = 00 : ファイルの終了

Tag directories


 14   00 12   44 6f 63 75 6d 65 6e 74 4f 62 6a 65 63 74 4c 69 73 74
 00   00   00 00 00 01
 14             i1      identifies tag directory (14h = 20) タグディレクトリであれば、0x14である。 
 00 12        i2be    bytes in tag name (ltname), may be 0
 44 6f 63 75  6d 65 6e 74  4f 62 6a 65  63 74 4c 69  73 74
                  a       tag name, length ltname "DocumentObjectList"  ここまでは、タグもタグディレクトリも共通
 00             i1      1 = sorted? (can be 0 or 1) タグディレクトリの場合にはここからが入ってくる
 00             i1      0 = closed?, 1 = open (normally = 0)
 00 00 00 01    i4be    number of tags in tag directory (01h = 1). Can be 0



i1                  identifies tag (15h = 21)
i2be              ltname, bytes in tag name, may be 0 
a                   tag name, length ltname           ここまでは共通
a4                 string "%%%%"               タグの場合のセパレータ
i4be              ninfo, size of info array following (=1)  ここは、単純なタグか、配列か、構造体かによって, ninfoが異なってくる。
i4be*ninfo     info(ninfo), array of ninfo integers contains tag data type(s) for tag values 
xx* * ninfo     tag values (byte order set by byte order flag) byte lengths specified in info(ninfo)


 15   00 0e   41 6e 6e 6f 74 61 74 69 6f 6e 54 79 70 65
 25 25 25 25   00 00 00 01   00 00 00 03   00 00 00 14

 15             i1      identifies tag (15h = 21)
 00 0e          i2be    bytes in tag name (ltname), may be 0
 41 6e 6e 6f  74 61 74 69  6f 6e 54 79  70 65
                a       tag name, length ltname "AnnotationType" ここまでは共通
 25 25 25 25    a4      "%%%%"                              セパレータ
 00 00 00 01    i4be    ninfo, size of info array following (=1) infoの個数をチェック(次の型に応じて、情報の個数が異なる)
 00 00 00 03    i4be    info(ninfo), array of ninfo i4 integers, in this case just 1
                        contains tag data type (3 = signed i4*)    此処がデータの型、単純な型、配列、構造体によって値が異なる。
 00 00 00 14    i4*     tag value, 14h = 20


 ninfo = 1
 info(1) = tag data type(データの型)


 15 0006 4f6666736574  25252525 00000007 0000000f 00000000 00000002
                       00000000 00000006 00000000 00000006
                       00000000 00000000

 15             i1      identifies tag (15h = 21)
 00 06          i2be    bytes in tag name (ltname), may be 0
 4f 66 66 73 65 74
                a       tag name, length ltname "Offset" ここまでは一緒
 25 25 25 25    a4      "%%%%"
 00 00 00 07    i4be    ninfo, size of info array following (=7)         このタグの情報の数              
 00 00 00 0f    i4be    info(1) tag data type (0fh = group of data)       データ型:0xF (構造体) 0
 00 00 00 00    i4be    info(2) length of groupname? (always = 0)                    
 00 00 00 02    i4be    info(3) ngroup, number of entries in group (=2)               構造体の要素数                  2
 00 00 00 00    i4be    info(4) length of fieldname? (always = 0)
 00 00 00 06    i4be    info(5) tag data type for value 1 (06h = f4)        型          4
 00 00 00 00    i4be    info(6) length of fieldname? (always = 0)
 00 00 00 06    i4be    info(7) tag data type for value 2 (06h = f4)        型
                        tag values:
 00 00 00 00    f4*     value(1)
 00 00 00 00    f4*     value(2)

For group tags

ninfo = size of info array info(1) = 0fh info(2) = 0 normally info(3) = ngroup, number of members in group info(2*i+3) = tag data type for value i Other info entries are always zero


Example, an image tag

15 0004 44617461 25252525 00000003 00000014 00000002 00000024

                fdff feff ffff 0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500
                fdff feff ffff 0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500
                fdff feff ffff 0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500
                fdff feff ffff 0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500

 15             i1      identifies tag (15h = 21)
 00 04          i2be    bytes in tag name (ltname)
 44 61 74 61    a       tag name, length ltname "Data" ここまでは共通
 25 25 25 25    a4      "%%%%" セパレータ
 00 00 00 03    i4be    ninfo, size of info array following (=3)
 00 00 00 14    i4be    info(1), tag data type (14h = array)            配列か構造体か、単純なタグかの判断
 00 00 00 02    i4be    info(2), tag data type for array members (02h = i2 signed)
 00 00 00 24    i4be    info(3) = info(ninfo), narray, size of array (=36)
                        tag values:
 fd ff          i2*     value(1)
 fe ff          i2*     value(2)
 ....                   etc to value(36)

For array tags

ninfo = 3 info(1) = 14h info(2) = tag data type for all array members info(3) = info(ninfo), narray, size of array


15 0004 434c5554 25252525 0000000b 00000014 0000000f 00000000 00000003

                00000000 00000002 00000000 00000002 00000000 00000002
                0000 0000 0000
                0101 0101 0101
                0202 0202 0202
                0303 0303 0303
 15             i1      identifies tag (15h = 21)
 00 04          i2be    bytes in tag name (ltname)
 43 4c 55 54    a       tag name, length ltname "CLUT"
 25 25 25 25    a4      "%%%%"
 00 00 00 0b    i4be    ninfo, size of info array following (=11)
 00 00 00 14    i4be    info(1), tag data type (14h = array)            ここで配列であることが分かる
 00 00 00 0f    i4be    info(2), tag data type for array members (0fh = group) ここで、構造体の配列であることが分かる
 00 00 00 00    i4be    info(3), length of groupname? (always = 0)
 00 00 00 03    i4be    info(4), ngroup, number of entries in group (=3)
 00 00 00 00    i4be    info(5), length of fieldname? (always = 0)
 00 00 00 02    i4be    info(6), tag data type for value 1 (02h = i2)
 00 00 00 00    i4be    info(7), length of fieldname? (always = 0)
 00 00 00 02    i4be    info(8), tag data type for value 2 (02h = i2)
 00 00 00 00    i4be    info(9), length of fieldname? (always = 0)
 00 00 00 02    i4be    info(10), tag data type for value 3 (02h = i2)
 00 00 01 00    i4be    info(11) = info(ninfo), narray, size of array (=256)
                        tag values:
 0000 0000 0000 3i2*    3 values for first element of array
 0101 0101 0101 3i2*    3 values for second element of array


ninfo = size of info array
info(1) = 14h
info(2) = 0fh
info(3) = 0 normally
info(4) = ngroup, number of values in group
info(2*i+4) = tag data type for value i
info(ninfo) = narray, size of info array


Tag data types

 02h =  2  i2* signed    (short)
 03h =  3  i4* signed    (long)
 04h =  4  i2* unsigned  (ushort) or unicode string
 05h =  5  i4* unsigned  (ulong)
 06h =  6  f4*           (float)
 07h =  7  f8*           (double)
 08h =  8  i1            (boolean)
 09h =  9  a1            (char)
 0ah = 10  i1
 0bh = 11  i8* ?         (long long) not sure if signed or unsigned
 0fh = 15  group of data (struct)
           info(2) = 0
           info(3) = ngroup, number in group
           info(2*n+4) = 0
           info(2*n+5) data type for each value in group
 12h = 18  a             (string)
 14h = 20  配列であることを示している。array of numbers or groups
           info(ninfo) = narray, number of array members
           info(2) is then treated as info(1) above
 15h = 21  構造体であることを示している。array of groups (struct)


構造体(type-15)の長さを知る簡単な方法はなく、その構造体を理解して、それぞれのデータ型に併せてバイト数を明らかにする必要がある。 DM4では、タグそのものの長さはわかる様になったため、スキップが可能となった。

画像自身は、"Data"という名前のtype-15の構造体の中に存在しており、画像を長さと数のタグとして見出してくることは難しい。一つの可能性としては、 "15h 0004h Data%%%%"という文字列を探し出すと、この16バイト後ろから画像の情報が始まっているということである。




Description     画像に関するノート   info in the notes box (not always present) 
Data               画像データ、若しくは、サムネール

DataType        DM2の画像データフォーマットと同じ


                  Note this is different from the tag data type above.
                  These values are only for the image data and must be
                  consistent with the tag data type for the Data tag.
                  There are a number of other DataTypes defined that I've
                  never seen in images
  0            null
  1     i2     2 byte integer signed ("short")
  2     f4     4 byte real (IEEE 754)
  3     c8     8 byte complex (real, imaginary)
  4            obsolete
  5     c4     4 byte packed complex (see DM2)
  6    ui1     1 byte integer unsigned ("byte")
  7     i4     4 byte integer signed ("long")
  8  4*ui1     rgb, 4 bytes/pixel, unused, red, green, blue
  9     i1     1 byte integer signed
 10    ui2     2 byte integer unsigned
 11    ui4     4 byte integer unsigned
 12     f8     8 byte real
 13     c16   16 byte complex
 14     i1     1 byte binary (ie 0 or 1)
 23  4*ui1     rgba, 4 bytes/pixel, 0, red, green, blue. Used for thumbnail images

Dimensions a type 14 tag containing 2 type 15s with no names

                  (irritatingly) which are image width and height

PixelDepth bytes/pixel

For CCD images (these follow the tags above)

Acquisition Date image acquisition date and time, unfortunatley both Acquisition Time as strings. Worse still, the date string can be

                  in either UK/international or US order depending on the
                  date settings on the mac or PC. It is thus impossible
                  to unambiguously determine the date from the date string.

ImageIndex Image number of thumbnail image Unfortunately the tags describing the image are after the image itself, this is particularly annoying for the image dimensions.






 version   i4be    DM version = 4
 rootlen   i8be    Size of root tag directory in bytes = file length - 24 (このバイト数が異なる。16(Header) + 8(NULL End)を引いたもの)
 byteord   i4be    Byte order, 1 = little endian (PC) order

ルートタグディレクトリ(Root tag directory)

 sortf     i1      Sorted, 1 = sorted (normally = 1)
 closef    i1      Closed, 1 = open (normally = 0)
 ntags     i8be    Number of tags in root directory (このバイト数が異なる)

Tags and tag directories in root tag directory


 tag       i1      tag, 14h or 15h or 0 for end of file
 ltname    i2be    tag name length in bytes, may be 0
 tname     a       tag name (length ltname), may be absent
 tlen      i8be    tag data size in bytes (new for dm4) (これが加わった)


 ...               tag directory or tag data

ファイルの最後(End of file)

           8*00     End of file is marked with 8 nulls



 00 00 00 04  00 00 00 00 01 09 58 7e  00 00 00 01
 01 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0f
 15  00 11
 41 70 70 6c 69 63 61 74 69 6f 6e 42 6f 75 6e 64 73
 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 84  25 25  25 25
 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00


 00 00 00 04              i4be    DM version = 4
 00 00 00 00 01 09 58 7e  i8be    file length - 24 (このバイト数がDM3と異なる)
 00 00 00 01              i4be    byte order, 1 = little endian (PC) order

Root tag directory

 01                       i1      1 = sorted (normally = 1)
 00                       i1      0 = closed, 1 = open (normally = 0)
 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0f  i8be    number of tags in root directory (0fh = 15)


Tag in root tag directory

 15  00 11  41 70 70 6c ...       Tag directories and tags, see below

End of file

 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00          End of file appears to be marked with 8 nulls

Tag directories and tags


 14h = 20      tag directory
 15h = 21      tag
 00            end of file

Tag directories


Tag directoryの構造
 tag       i1      tag = 14h (20), identifies tag directory
 ltname    i2be    tag name length in bytes, may be 0
 tname     a       tag name (length ltname), may be absent
 tlen      i8be    total bytes in tag directory including all sub-directories (new for DM4)   
 sortf     i1      Sorted, 1 = sorted (mostly = 1)
 closef    i1      Closed, 1 = open (normally = 0)
 ntags     i8be    Number of tags in tag directory. Can be 0 (in which case tlen = 10)


 14                                                 20
 00 12                                              18
 44 6f 63 75 6d 65 6e 74  4f 62 6a 65 63 74 4c 69
 73 74                                              DocumentObjectList
 00 00 00 00 00 00 15 36                            5430
 00                                                 0
 00                                                 0
 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01                            1




タグは、一つだけの値を含むもの(single entry)、多くの異なるデータ型の値を含むことができるもの(group tag/struct)、同じデータ型(group/strcut型も含む)の配列(Array)のいずれかである。



 tag         i1           tag = 15h (21), identifies tag
 ltname      i2be         tag name length in bytes, may be 0
 tname       a            tag name (length ltname), may be absent
 tlen        i8be         total bytes in tag including %%%% (new for DM4)
 %%%%        a4           string "%%%%"
 ninfo       i8be         size of info array following
 info(ninfo) ninfo*i8be   array of ninfo integers,
                          contains tag data type(s) for tag values
                          info(1) = tag data type (see tag data types below)
 <values>    xx*          tag values (byte order set by byte order flag)
                          byte lengths specified in info(ninfo)
単独のエントリ(Single entry tag)

値が一つの場合は以下の通り タグの情報数、データ型も8バイト整数になっているので、注意が必要である。

 ninfo       i8be         ninfo = 1
 info(1)     i8be         tag data type (any value except 0fh and 14h)
 <value>     xx*          tag value, length defined by tag data type in info(1)
構造体型(Tag containing a group of data (struct))


 ninfo       i8be         number of elements in info array (タグ情報の要素数)
 info(1)     i8be         = 0fh, tag data type       (構造体であることを示す:0xf)
 info(2)     i8be         = 0
 info(3)     i8be         ngroup, number of elements in group (構造体の要素数)
 info(2*i+2) i8be         = 0
 info(2*i+3) i8be       tag data type for element i      (i番目の要素のデータ型)
                          above repeated for i = 1 to ngroup
 <value>     xx*          tag values, length defined by tag data type in info(2*i+3)
                          above repeated for i = 1 to ngroup
 15                                                               21
 00 11                                                          17
 41 70 70 6c 69 63 61 74  69 6f 6e 42 6f 75 6e 64  73  ApplicationBounds
 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 84                           132
 25 25 25 25                                         %%%%
 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0b                             11 (タグの要素数)
 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0f                              15 (構造体型)
 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00                               0
 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04                               4 (構造体の要素数)
 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00                               0
 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0b                             12 (要素1データ型:8バイト整数)
 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00                               0
 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0b                             12 (要素2データ型:8バイト整数)
 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00                               0
 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0b                             12 (要素3データ型:8バイト整数)
 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00                               0
 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0b                             12 (要素4データ型:8バイト整数)
 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00                               0     (要素1:データ)
 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00                               0     (要素2:データ)
 29 04 00 00 00 00 00 00                               1065    (要素3:データ)
 3c 06 00 00 00 00 00 00                               1596    (要素4:データ)

配列(Tag containing an array)
 ninfo       i8be         = 3, number of elements in info array  (タグの要素数)
 info(1)     i8be         = 14h, array data type         (0x14: 配列(データ型))
 info(2)     i8be         tag data type for all array elements   (データ型)
 info(3)     i8be         narray, number of elements in array    (配列の個数)
 <value>     xx*          tag values, length defined by tag data type in info(2)
                          above repeated narray times                         (データ)

構造体をデータ型として含む配列(Tag containing an array of groups)


 ninfo       i8be         number of elements in info array    (タグの要素数)
 info(1)     i8be         = 14h, array data type         (0x14: 配列(データ型))
 info(2)     i8be         = 0fh, tag data type for all array elements(配列のデータ型:0xf(構造体))
 info(3)     i8be         = 0
 info(4)     i8be         ngroup, number of elements in group  (構造体の要素数)
 info(2*i+3) i8be         = 0
 info(2*i+4) i8be         tag data type for element i of group  (構造体の要素の型)
                          above repeated for i = 1 to ngroup
 info(ninfo) i8be         narray, number of elements in array  (配列の個数)
 <value>     xx*          tag values, length defined by tag data type in info(2*i+4)
                          above repeated narray*ngroup times

Tag data types


 02h =  2  i2* signed    (short)
 03h =  3  i4* signed    (long)
 04h =  4  i2* unsigned  (ushort) or unicode string
 05h =  5  i4* unsigned  (ulong)
 06h =  6  f4*           (float)
 07h =  7  f8*           (double)
 08h =  8  i1            (boolean)
 09h =  9  a1            (char)
 0ah = 10  i1
 0bh = 11  i8*  (long long) 
 0ch = 12  i8*  (unsigned)
 0fh = 15                group of data (struct)
 12h = 18  a             (string)
 14h = 20                array of data or groups of data



ImageList(TagDir) ->  
[x,0,0]  ImageData
[x,0,0,0] ->Calibrations
[x,0,0,0,0] -> Brightness
[x,0,0,0,0,0] -> Origin
[x,0,0,0,0,1] -> Scale
[x,0,0,0,0,2] -> Units
[x,0,0,0,1] -> Dimension
[x,0,0,0,1,0,0] -> Origin
[x,0,0,0,1,0,1] -> Scale
[x,0,0,0,1,0,2] -> Units
[x,0,0,0,1,1,0] -> Origin
[x,0,0,0,1,1,1] -> Scale
[x,0,0,0,1,1,2] -> Units
[x,0,0,0,2] -> DisplayCalibratedUnit
[x,0,0,1] ->Data        これはサムネールのデータ
[x,0,0,2] ->DataType      画像データ型
[x,0,0,3] ->Dimensions     画像サイズ
[x,0,0,3,0] ->           Nx
[x,0,0,3,1] ->           Ny
[x,0,0,4] ->PIxelDepth      バイト数

[x,1,0]  ImageData
[x,1,0,0] -> Calibrations
[x,1,0,0,0] -> Brightness
[x,1,0,0,1] -> Diemension
[x,1,0,0,1] -> DisplayCalibaratedUnits
[x,1,0,1] ->Data
[x,1,0,1] ->DataType (UInt4)
[x,1,0,1] ->Dimensions (TagDir:UInit4x3)
[x,1,0,1] ->PixelDepth (UInt4)

[x,1,1]  ImageTags
[x,1,2]  Name         10D-C(実際にはアスキーコードに思える)
[x,1,3]  UniqueID


                    1  2 byte integer signed ("short")
                    2  4 byte real (IEEE 754)
                    3  8 byte complex (real, imaginary)
                    4  ?
                    5  4 byte packed complex (see below)
                    6  1 byte integer unsigned ("byte")
                    7  4 byte integer signed ("long")
                    8  rgb view, 4 bytes/pixel, unused, red, green, blue?
                    9  1 byte integer signed
                   10  2 byte integer unsigned
                   11  4 byte integer unsigned
                   12  8 byte real
                   13 16 byte complex
                   14  1 byte binary (ie 0 or 1)
                   23  4*ui1     rgba, 4 bytes/pixel, 0, red, green, blue. Used for thumbnail images
=== Packed complex (data type 5) ===
     This is used for the Fourier transform of real images, which have
     symmetric real parts and antisymmetric imaginary parts and thus can
     be stored in half the number of bytes that the equivalent complex
     picture would take. The format is somewhat strange.
     I have confused things further by using semper's coordinate system.
     If the equivalent full complex picture of size n by n would look like
     x1 = -n/2,          x2 = int((n-1)/2)
     y1 = -int((n-1)/2), y2 = n/2
real part
           x1         ...         -1       0       1      ...      x2
     y1   rx1,y1                          r0,y1                   rx2,y1
     -1                           r-1,-1  r0,-1   r1,-1
      0   rx1,0                   r-1,0   r0,0    r1,-1           rx2,0
      1                           r-1,1   r0,0    r1,-1
     y2   rx1,y2                          r0,y2                   rx2,y2
imaginary part likewise but i-1,-1 etc
packed complex
           x1     x1+1  ... -2      -1       0       1    ...  x2-1    x2
     y1   rx1,0  *rx1,y1    r1,y1   i1,y1   r2,y1   i2,y1     rx2,y1  ix2,y1
      1   rx1,y2  ix1,y2    r1,1    i1,1    r2,1    i2,1      rx2,1   ix2,1
      0   r0,0   *r0,y1     r1,0    i1,0    r2,0    i2,0      rx2,0   ix2,0
     -1   r0,-1   i0,-1     r1,-1   i1,-1   r2,-1   i2,-1     rx2,-1  ix2,-1
     y2   r0,y2   i0,y2     r1,y2   i1,y2   r2,y2   i2,y2     rx2,y2  ix2,y2
     The top of the x1 and x1+1 columns contain what would be in the bottom
     of the x1 column, with two imaginary parts containing real parts (marked
     with *)