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  • Murakami K., Stewart M., Nozawa K., Tomii K., Kudou N., Igarashi N., Shirakihara Y., Wakatsuki S.,Yasunaga T., and Wakabayashi T.: Structural basis for tropomyosin overlap in thin (actin) filaments and the generation of a molecular swivel by troponin-T.,  ProNAS, 105(20), 7200-5 (2008)
  • Murakami K, Yumoto F, Ohki SY, Yasunaga T, Tanokura M, Wakabayashi T. Structural basis for Ca2+-regulated muscle relaxation at interaction sites of troponin with actin and tropomyosin. J Mol Biol. 352(1) 178-201 (2005) 
  • Yasunaga T., and Wakabayashi T: Relocation of Cys374 of actin induced by labeling with fluorescent dyes, J. Biochem. (TOKYO) 129: (2) 201-204. (2001)
  • Yasunaga, T., Suzuki, Y., Ohkura, R., Sutoh, K., and Wakabayashi T.: ATP-induced transconformation of myosin revealed by determining three-dimensional positions of fluorophores from fluorescence energy transfer measurements., J Struct Biol.132(1) 6-18. (2000)
  • Suzuki, Y., Yasunaga, T., Ohkura, R., Wakabayashi T., Sutoh, K.: Swing of the lever arm of a myosin motor at the isomerization and phosphate-release steps., Nature. 396(6709):380-3. (1998)