
提供: Eospedia
2014年11月10日 (月) 08:59時点におけるKinoshita (トーク | 投稿記録)による版

移動: 案内検索




$ bundle exec god -c misc/pione-webclient.god


$ bundle exec foreman start


Note for Drop-ins API

PIONE Webclient enables to handle Drop-ins API for uploading input files from and downloading result files to Dropbox. If you want to use Drop-ins's function, you needs Drop-ins app key in production environment. If you don't have it, you can get from "https://www.dropbox.com/developers/apps".

      1. How to setup Drop-ins app key
   % echo $APP_KEY > dropins-app-key.txt


コマンド名 説明
start start task or group
restart restart task or group
stop stop task or group
monitor monitor task or group
unmonitor unmonitor task or group
remove remove task or group from god
load load a config into a running god
log show realtime log for given task
status show status
signal signal all matching tasks
quit stop god
terminal stop god and all tasks
check run self diagnostic


オプション名 説明
-c Configuration file
-p Communications port (default 17165)
-b Auto-bind to an unused port number
-P Where to write the PID file
-l Where to write the log file
-D Don't daemonize
-v Print the version number and exit
-V Print extended version and build information