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2019年5月14日 (火) 09:37時点におけるKttn (トーク | 投稿記録)による版

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  • RELION v3.0.5の以下コマンドの出力です。
$ relion_refine --print_metadata_labels
  • 読みにくいのでそのうち表にします。
  • フォーマットは "ラベル名 (C++型名) : 説明"です。

+++ RELION MetaDataLabel (EMDL) definitions: +++

rlnAccumMotionEarly (double) : Accumulated global motion during the first frames of the movie (in A)

rlnAccumMotionLate (double) : Accumulated global motion during the last frames of the movie (in A)

rlnAccumMotionTotal (double) : Accumulated global motion during the entire movie (in A)

rlnAccuracyRotations (double) : Estimated accuracy (in degrees) with which rotations can be assigned

rlnAccuracyTranslations (double) : Estimated accuracy (in pixels) with which translations can be assigned

rlnAdaptiveOversampleFraction (double) : Fraction of the weights that will be oversampled in a second pass of the adaptive oversampling strategy

rlnAdaptiveOversampleOrder (int)  : Order of the adaptive oversampling (0=no oversampling, 1= 2x oversampling; 2= 4x oversampling, etc)

rlnAmplitudeContrast (double) : Amplitude contrast (as a fraction, i.e. 10% = 0.1)

rlnAmplitudeCorrelationMaskedMaps (double) : Correlation coefficient between amplitudes in Fourier shells of masked maps

rlnAmplitudeCorrelationUnmaskedMaps (double) : Correlation coefficient between amplitudes in Fourier shells of unmasked maps

rlnAnglePsi (double) : Third Euler, or in-plane angle (psi, in degrees)

rlnAnglePsiFlipRatio (double) : Flip ratio of bimodal psi prior (0~0.5, 0 means an ordinary prior, 0.5 means a perfect bimodal prior)

rlnAnglePsiPrior (double) : Center of the prior (in degrees) on the third Euler angle (psi)

rlnAngleRot (double) : First Euler angle (rot, in degrees)

rlnAngleRotPrior (double) : Center of the prior (in degrees) on the first Euler angle (rot)

rlnAngleTilt (double) : Second Euler angle (tilt, in degrees)

rlnAngleTiltPrior (double) : Center of the prior (in degrees) on the second Euler angle (tilt)

rlnAngstromResolution (double) : Resolution (in Angstroms)

rlnAreaId (int)  : ID (i.e. a unique number) of an area (i.e. field-of-view)

rlnAreaName (string) : Name of an area (i.e. field-of-view)

rlnAutoLocalSearchesHealpixOrder (int)  : Healpix order (before oversampling) from which autosampling procedure will use local angular searches

rlnAutopickFigureOfMerit (double) : Autopicking FOM for a particle

rlnAvailableMemory (double) : Available memory per computing node (i.e. per MPI-process)

rlnAverageNrOfFrames (int)  : Number of movie frames that one averages over upon extraction of movie-particles

rlnAveragePmax (double) : Average value (over all images) of the maxima of the probability distributions

rlnAverageValue (double) : Average value for the pixels in an image

rlnBeamTiltClass (int)  : Beam-tilt class of a particle

rlnBeamTiltX (double) : Beam tilt in the X-direction (in mrad)

rlnBeamTiltY (double) : Beam tilt in the Y-direction (in mrad)

rlnBestResolutionThusFar (double) : The highest resolution that has been obtained in this optimization thus far

rlnBfactorUsedForSharpening (double) : Applied B-factor in the sharpening of the map

rlnBodyKeepFixed (int)  : Flag to indicate whether to keep a body fixed (value 1) or keep on refining it (0)

rlnBodyMaskName (string) : Name of an image that contains a [0,1] body mask for multi-body refinement

rlnBodyReferenceName (string) : Name of an image that contains the initial reference for one body of a multi-body refinement

rlnBodyRotateDirectionX (double) : X-component of axis around which to rotate this body

rlnBodyRotateDirectionY (double) : Y-component of axis around which to rotate this body

rlnBodyRotateDirectionZ (double) : Z-component of axis around which to rotate this body

rlnBodyRotateRelativeTo (int)  : Number of the body relative to which this body rotates (if negative, use rlnBodyRotateDirectionXYZ)

rlnBodySigmaAngles (double) : Width of prior on all three Euler angles of a body in multibody refinement (in degrees)

rlnBodySigmaOffset (double) : Width of prior on origin offsets of a body in multibody refinement (in pixels)

rlnBodySigmaPsi (double) : Width of prior on psi angles of a body in multibody refinement (in degrees)

rlnBodySigmaRot (double) : Width of prior on rot angles of a body in multibody refinement (in degrees)

rlnBodySigmaTilt (double) : Width of prior on tilt angles of a body in multibody refinement (in degrees)

rlnBodyStarFile (string) : Name of STAR file with body masks and metadata

rlnChangesOptimalClasses (double) : The number of particles that changed their optimal clsas assignment in the last iteration

rlnChangesOptimalOffsets (double) : The average change in optimal translation in the last iteration (in pixels)

rlnChangesOptimalOrientations (double) : The average change in optimal orientation in the last iteration (in degrees)

rlnChromaticAberration (double) : Chromatic aberration (in millimeters)

rlnClassDistribution (double) : Probability Density Function of the different classes (i.e. fraction of images assigned to each class)

rlnClassNumber (int)  : Class number for which a particle has its highest probability

rlnClassPriorOffsetX (double) : Prior in the X-offset for a class (in pixels)

rlnClassPriorOffsetY (double) : Prior in the Y-offset for a class (in pixels)

rlnCoarseImageSize (int)  : Current size of the images to be used in the first pass of the adaptive oversampling strategy (may be smaller than the original image size)

rlnComment (string) : A metadata comment (This is treated in a special way)

rlnConvergenceCone (double) : Convergence cone (in mrad)

rlnCoordinateX (double) : X-Position of an image in a micrograph (in pixels)

rlnCoordinateY (double) : Y-Position of an image in a micrograph (in pixels)

rlnCoordinateZ (double) : Z-Position of an image in a 3D micrograph, i.e. tomogram (in pixels)

rlnCorrectedFourierShellCorrelationPhaseRandomizedMaskedMaps (double) : FSC value after masking of the randomized-phases maps

rlnCorrelationFitGuinierPlot (double) : The correlation coefficient of the fitted line through the Guinier-plot

rlnCtfAstigmatism (double) : Absolute value of the difference between defocus in U- and V-direction (in A)

rlnCtfBfactor (double) : B-factor (in A^2) that describes CTF power spectrum fall-off

rlnCtfDataAreCtfPremultiplied (bool)  : Flag to indicate that the input images have been premultiplied with their CTF

rlnCtfDataArePhaseFlipped (bool)  : Flag to indicate that the input images have been phase-flipped

rlnCtfFigureOfMerit (double) : Figure of merit for the fit of the CTF (not used inside relion_refine)

rlnCtfImage (string) : Name of an image with all CTF values

rlnCtfMaxResolution (double) : Estimated maximum resolution (in A) of significant CTF Thon rings

rlnCtfScalefactor (double) : Linear scale-factor on the CTF (values between 0 and 1)

rlnCtfValidationScore (double) : Gctf-based validation score for the quality of the CTF fit

rlnCtfValue (double) : Value of the Contrast Transfer Function

rlnCurrentImageSize (int)  : Current size of the images used in the refinement

rlnCurrentIteration (int)  : The number of the current iteration

rlnCurrentResolution (double) : Current resolution where SSNR^MAP drops below 1 (in 1/Angstroms)

rlnDataDimensionality (int)  : Dimensionality of the data (2D/3D)

rlnDataType (int)  : Type of data stored in an image (e.g. int, RFLOAT etc)

rlnDefocusAngle (double) : Angle between X and defocus U direction (in degrees)

rlnDefocusU (double) : Defocus in U-direction (in Angstroms, positive values for underfocus)

rlnDefocusV (double) : Defocus in V-direction (in Angstroms, positive values for underfocus)

rlnDetectorPixelSize (double) : Pixel size of the detector (in micrometers)

rlnDiff2RandomHalves (double) : Power of the differences between two independent reconstructions from random halves of the data

rlnDifferentialPhaseResidualMaskedMaps (double) : Differential Phase Residual in Fourier shells of masked maps

rlnDifferentialPhaseResidualUnmaskedMaps (double) : Differential Phase Residual in Fourier shells of unmasked maps

rlnDoAutoRefine (bool)  : Flag to indicate that 3D auto-refine procedure is being used

rlnDoCorrectCtf (bool)  : Flag to indicate that CTF-correction should be performed

rlnDoCorrectMagnification (bool)  : Flag to indicate that (per-group) magnification correction should be performed

rlnDoCorrectNorm (bool)  : Flag to indicate that (per-image) normalisation-error correction should be performed

rlnDoCorrectScale (bool)  : Flag to indicate that internal (per-group) intensity-scale correction should be performed

rlnDoFastSubsetOptimisation (bool)  : Use subsets of the data in the earlier iterations to speed up convergence

rlnDoHelicalRefine (bool)  : Flag to indicate that helical refinement should be performed

rlnDoIgnoreCtfUntilFirstPeak (bool)  : Flag to indicate that the CTFs should be ignored until their first peak

rlnDoMapEstimation (bool)  : Flag to indicate that MAP estimation should be performed (otherwise ML estimation)

rlnDoOnlyFlipCtfPhases (bool)  : Flag to indicate that CTF-correction should only comprise phase-flipping

rlnDoRealignMovies (bool)  : Flag to indicate that individual frames of movies are being re-aligned

rlnDoSkipAlign (bool)  : Flag to indicate that orientational (i.e. rotational and translational) searches will be omitted from the refinement, only marginalisation over classes will take place

rlnDoSkipRotate (bool)  : Flag to indicate that rotational searches will be omitted from the refinement, only marginalisation over classes and translations will take place

rlnDoSolventFlattening (bool)  : Flag to indicate that the references should be masked to set their solvent areas to a constant density

rlnDoSolventFscCorrection (bool)  : Flag to indicate that the FSCs should be solvent-corrected during refinement

rlnDoSplitRandomHalves (bool)  : Flag to indicate that the data should be split into two completely separate, random halves

rlnDoStochasticGradientDescent (bool)  : Flag to indicate that SGD-optimisation should be performed (otherwise expectation maximisation)

rlnDoZeroMask (bool)  : Flag to indicate that the surrounding solvent area in the experimental particles will be masked to zeros (by default random noise will be used

rlnEnabled (bool)  : Not used in RELION, only included for backward compatibility with XMIPP selfiles

rlnEnergyLoss (double) : Energy loss (in eV)

rlnEstimatedResolution (double) : Estimated resolution (in A) for a reference

rlnExperimentalDataStarFile (string) : STAR file with metadata for the experimental images

rlnFinalResolution (double) : Final estimated resolution after postprocessing (in Angstroms)

rlnFittedInterceptGuinierPlot (double) : The fitted intercept of the Guinier-plot

rlnFittedSlopeGuinierPlot (double) : The fitted slope of the Guinier-plot

rlnFixSigmaNoiseEstimates (bool)  : Flag to indicate that the estimates for the power spectra of the noise should be kept constant

rlnFixSigmaOffsetEstimates (bool)  : Flag to indicate that the estimates for the stddev in the origin offsets should be kept constant

rlnFixTauEstimates (bool)  : Flag to indicate that the estimates for the power spectra of the signal (i.e. the references) should be kept constant

rlnFourierCompleteness (double) : Fraction of Fourier components (per resolution shell) with SNR>1

rlnFourierShellCorrelation (double) : FSC value (of unspecified type, e.g. masked or unmasked)

rlnFourierShellCorrelationCorrected (double) : Final FSC value: i.e. after correction based on masking of randomized-phases maps

rlnFourierShellCorrelationMaskedMaps (double) : FSC value after masking of the original maps

rlnFourierShellCorrelationUnmaskedMaps (double) : FSC value before masking of the original maps

rlnFourierSpaceInterpolator (int)  : The kernel used for Fourier-space interpolation (NN=0, linear=1)

rlnGoldStandardFsc (double) : Fourier shell correlation between two independent reconstructions from random halves of the data

rlnGroupName (string) : The name of a group of images (e.g. all images from a micrograph)

rlnGroupNrParticles (int)  : Number particles in a group of images

rlnGroupNumber (int)  : The number of a group of images

rlnGroupScaleCorrection (double) : Intensity-scale correction for a group of images

rlnHasConverged (bool)  : Flag to indicate that the optimization has converged

rlnHasHighFscAtResolLimit (bool)  : Flag to indicate that the FSC at the resolution limit is significant

rlnHasLargeSizeIncreaseIterationsAgo (int)  : How many iterations have passed since the last large increase in image size

rlnHealpixOrder (int)  : Healpix order for the sampling of the first two Euler angles (rot, tilt) on the 3D sphere

rlnHelicalCentralProportion (double) : Only expand this central fraction of the Z axis when imposing real-space helical symmetry

rlnHelicalKeepTiltPriorFixed (bool)  : Flag to indicate that helical tilt priors are kept fixed (at 90 degrees) in global angular searches

rlnHelicalMaskTubeInnerDiameter (double) : Inner diameter of helical tubes in Angstroms (for masks of helical references and particles)

rlnHelicalMaskTubeOuterDiameter (double) : Outer diameter of helical tubes in Angstroms (for masks of helical references and particles)

rlnHelicalOffsetStep (double) : Step size for the searches of offsets along helical axis (in Angstroms)

rlnHelicalRise (double) : The helical rise (translation per subunit) in Angstroms

rlnHelicalRiseInitial (double) : The initial helical rise (translation per subunit) in Angstroms before refinement

rlnHelicalRiseInitialStep (double) : Initial step of helical rise search (in Angstroms)

rlnHelicalRiseMax (double) : Maximum helical rise (in Angstroms)

rlnHelicalRiseMin (double) : Minimum helical rise (in Angstroms)

rlnHelicalSigmaDistance (double) : Sigma of distance along the helical tracks

rlnHelicalSymmetryLocalRefinement (bool)  : Flag to indicate that local refinement of helical parameters should be performed

rlnHelicalTrackLength (double) : Distance from the position of this helical segment to the starting point of the tube

rlnHelicalTubeID (int)  : Helical tube ID for a helical segment

rlnHelicalTubePitch (double) : Cross-over distance for a helical segment (A)

rlnHelicalTwist (double) : The helical twist (rotation per subunit) in degrees

rlnHelicalTwistInitial (double) : The intial helical twist (rotation per subunit) in degrees before refinement

rlnHelicalTwistInitialStep (double) : Initial step of helical twist search (in degrees)

rlnHelicalTwistMax (double) : Maximum helical twist (in degrees, + for right-handedness)

rlnHelicalTwistMin (double) : Minimum helical twist (in degrees, + for right-handedness)

rlnHighresLimitExpectation (double) : High-resolution-limit (in Angstrom) for the expectation step

rlnHighresLimitSGD (double) : High-resolution-limit (in Angstrom) for Stochastic Gradient Descent

rlnIgnoreHelicalSymmetry (bool)  : Flag to indicate that helical symmetry is ignored in 3D reconstruction

rlnImageDimensionality (int)  : Dimensionality of data stored in an image (i.e. 2 or 3)

rlnImageId (int)  : ID (i.e. a unique number) of an image

rlnImageName (string) : Name of an image

rlnImageOriginalName (string) : Original name of an image

rlnImageSize (int)  : Size of an image (in pixels)

rlnImageSizeX (int)  : Size of an image in the X-direction (in pixels)

rlnImageSizeY (int)  : Size of an image in the Y-direction (in pixels)

rlnImageSizeZ (int)  : Size of an image in the Z-direction (in pixels)

rlnImageWeight (double) : Relative weight of an image

rlnIncrementImageSize (int)  : Number of Fourier shells to be included beyond the resolution where SSNR^MAP drops below 1

rlnIs3DSampling (bool)  : Flag to indicate this concerns a 3D sampling

rlnIs3DTranslationalSampling (bool)  : Flag to indicate this concerns a x,y,z-translational sampling

rlnIsFlip (bool)  : Flag to indicate that an image should be mirrored

rlnIsHelix (bool)  : Flag to indicate that helical refinement should be performed

rlnJoinHalvesUntilThisResolution (double) : Resolution (in Angstrom) to join the two random half-reconstructions to prevent their diverging orientations (for C-symmetries)

rlnKullbackLeiblerDivergence (double) : Kullback-Leibler divergence for a particle

rlnKurtosisExcessValue (double) : Kurtosis excess (4th moment - 3) for the pixel values in an image

rlnLensStability (double) : Lens stability (in ppm)

rlnLocalSymmetryFile (string) : Local symmetry description file containing list of masks and their operators

rlnLogAmplitudesIntercept (double) : Y-value for Guinier plot: the fitted plateau of the logarithm of the radially averaged amplitudes

rlnLogAmplitudesMTFCorrected (double) : Y-value for Guinier plot: the logarithm of the radially averaged amplitudes after MTF correction

rlnLogAmplitudesOriginal (double) : Y-value for Guinier plot: the logarithm of the radially averaged amplitudes of the input map

rlnLogAmplitudesSharpened (double) : Y-value for Guinier plot: the logarithm of the radially averaged amplitudes after sharpening

rlnLogAmplitudesWeighted (double) : Y-value for Guinier plot: the logarithm of the radially averaged amplitudes after FSC-weighting

rlnLogLikeliContribution (double) : Contribution of a particle to the log-likelihood target function

rlnLogLikelihood (double) : Value of the log-likelihood target function

rlnLongitudinalDisplacement (double) : Longitudinal displacement (in Angstroms)

rlnMagnification (double) : Magnification at the detector (in times)

rlnMagnificationCorrection (double) : Magnification correction value for an image

rlnMagnificationSearchRange (double) : Search range for magnification correction

rlnMagnificationSearchStep (double) : Step size for magnification correction

rlnMaskName (string) : Name of an image that contains a [0,1] mask

rlnMatrix_1_1 (double) : Matrix element (1,1) of a 3x3 matrix

rlnMatrix_1_2 (double) : Matrix element (1,2) of a 3x3 matrix

rlnMatrix_1_3 (double) : Matrix element (1,3) of a 3x3 matrix

rlnMatrix_2_1 (double) : Matrix element (2,1) of a 3x3 matrix

rlnMatrix_2_2 (double) : Matrix element (2,1) of a 3x3 matrix

rlnMatrix_2_3 (double) : Matrix element (2,1) of a 3x3 matrix

rlnMatrix_3_1 (double) : Matrix element (3,1) of a 3x3 matrix

rlnMatrix_3_2 (double) : Matrix element (3,1) of a 3x3 matrix

rlnMatrix_3_3 (double) : Matrix element (3,1) of a 3x3 matrix

rlnMaxNumberOfPooledParticles (int)  : Maximum number particles that are processed together to speed up calculations

rlnMaxValueProbDistribution (double) : Maximum value of the (normalised) probability function for a particle

rlnMaximumCoarseImageSize (int)  : Maximum size of the images to be used in the first pass of the adaptive oversampling strategy (may be smaller than the original image size)

rlnMaximumValue (double) : Maximum value for the pixels in an image

rlnMicrographBinning (double) : Micrograph binning factor

rlnMicrographDefectFile (string) : Name of a defect list file

rlnMicrographDoseRate (double) : Dose rate in electrons per square Angstrom per frame

rlnMicrographEndFrame (int)  : End frame of a motion model

rlnMicrographFrameNumber (int)  : Micrograph frame number

rlnMicrographGainName (string) : Name of a gain reference

rlnMicrographId (int)  : ID (i.e. a unique number) of a micrograph

rlnMicrographMetadata (string) : Name of a micrograph metadata file

rlnMicrographMovieName (string) : Name of a micrograph movie stack

rlnMicrographName (string) : Name of a micrograph

rlnMicrographNameNoDW (string) : Name of a micrograph without dose weighting

rlnMicrographOriginalPixelSize (double) : Pixel size of original movie before binning in Angstrom/pixel.

rlnMicrographPreExposure (double) : Pre-exposure dose in electrons per square Angstrom

rlnMicrographShiftX (double) : X shift of a (patch of) micrograph

rlnMicrographShiftY (double) : Y shift of a (patch of) micrograph

rlnMicrographStartFrame (int)  : Start frame of a motion model

rlnMicrographTiltAngle (double) : Tilt angle (in degrees) used to collect a micrograph

rlnMicrographTiltAxisDirection (double) : Direction of the tilt-axis (in degrees) used to collect a micrograph

rlnMicrographTiltAxisOutOfPlane (double) : Out-of-plane angle (in degrees) of the tilt-axis used to collect a micrograph (90=in-plane)

rlnMinRadiusNnInterpolation (int)  : Minimum radius for NN-interpolation (in Fourier pixels), for smaller radii linear int. is used

rlnMinimumValue (double) : Minimum value for the pixels in an image

rlnModelStarFile (string) : STAR file with metadata for the model that is being refined

rlnModelStarFile2 (string) : STAR file with metadata for the second model that is being refined (from random halves of the data)

rlnMotionModelCoeff (double) : A coefficient of a motion model

rlnMotionModelCoeffsIdx (int)  : Index of a coefficient of a motion model

rlnMotionModelVersion (int)  : Version of micrograph motion model

rlnMovieFrameNumber (int)  : Number of a movie frame

rlnMovieFramesRunningAverage (int)  : Number of movie frames inside the running average that will be used for movie-refinement

rlnMtfValue (double) : Value of the detectors modulation transfer function (between 0 and 1)

rlnNormCorrection (double) : Normalisation correction value for an image

rlnNormCorrectionAverage (double) : Average value (over all images) of the normalisation correction values

rlnNrBodies (int)  : The number of independent rigid bodies to be refined in multi-body refinement

rlnNrClasses (int)  : The number of references (i.e. classes) to be used in refinement

rlnNrGroups (int)  : The number of different groups of images (each group has its own noise spectrum, and intensity-scale correction)

rlnNrHelicalAsymUnits (int)  : How many new helical asymmetric units are there in each box

rlnNrOfFrames (int)  : Number of movie frames that were collected for this particle

rlnNrOfSignificantSamples (int)  : Number of orientational/class assignments (for a particle) with sign.probabilities in the 1st pass of adaptive oversampling

rlnNumberOfIterWithoutChangingAssignments (int)  : Number of iterations that have passed without large changes in orientation and class assignments

rlnNumberOfIterWithoutResolutionGain (int)  : Number of iterations that have passed without a gain in resolution

rlnNumberOfIterations (int)  : Maximum number of iterations to be performed

rlnOffsetRange (double) : Search range for the origin offsets (in Angstroms)

rlnOffsetStep (double) : Step size for the searches in the origin offsets (in Angstroms)

rlnOrientSamplingStarFile (string) : STAR file with metadata for the orientational sampling

rlnOrientationDistribution (double) : Probability Density Function of the orientations (i.e. fraction of images assigned to each orient)

rlnOrientationalPriorMode (int)  : Mode for prior distributions on the orientations (0=no prior; 1=(rot,tilt,psi); 2=(rot,tilt); 3=rot; 4=tilt; 5=psi)

rlnOrientationsID (int)  : ID (i.e. a unique number) for an orientation

rlnOriginX (double) : X-coordinate (in pixels) for the origin of rotation

rlnOriginXPrior (double) : Center of the prior on the X-coordinate (in pixels) for the origin of rotation

rlnOriginY (double) : Y-coordinate (in pixels) for the origin of rotation

rlnOriginYPrior (double) : Center of the prior on the X-coordinate (in pixels) for the origin of rotation

rlnOriginZ (double) : Z-coordinate (in pixels) for the origin of rotation

rlnOriginZPrior (double) : Center of the prior on the X-coordinate (in pixels) for the origin of rotation

rlnOriginalImageSize (int)  : Original size of the images (in pixels)

rlnOriginalParticleName (string) : Original name for a particles

rlnOutputRootName (string) : Rootname for all output files (this may include a directory structure, which should then exist)

rlnOverallAccuracyRotations (double) : Overall accuracy of the rotational assignments (in degrees)

rlnOverallAccuracyTranslations (double) : Overall accuracy of the translational assignments (in pixels)

rlnOverallFourierCompleteness (double) : Fraction of all Fourier components up to the current resolution with SNR>1

rlnPaddingFactor (double) : Oversampling factor for Fourier transforms of the references

rlnParticleDiameter (double) : Diameter of the circular mask to be applied to all experimental images (in Angstroms)

rlnParticleFigureOfMerit (double) : Developmental FOM for a particle

rlnParticleId (int)  : ID (i.e. a unique number) for a particle

rlnParticleName (string) : Name for a particle

rlnParticleNumber (int)  : Number of particles

rlnParticleSelectZScore (double) : Sum of Z-scores from particle_select. High Z-scores are likely to be outliers.

rlnPerFrameCumulativeWeight (double) : Sum of the resolution-dependent relative weights from the first frame until the given frame

rlnPerFrameRelativeWeight (double) : The resolution-dependent relative weights for a given frame

rlnPhaseShift (double) : Phase-shift from a phase-plate (in degrees)

rlnPipeLineEdgeFromNode (string) : Name of the origin of an edge

rlnPipeLineEdgeProcess (string) : Name of the destination of an edge

rlnPipeLineEdgeToNode (string) : Name of the to-Node in an edge

rlnPipeLineJobCounter (int)  : Number of the last job in the pipeline

rlnPipeLineNodeName (string) : Name of a Node in the pipeline

rlnPipeLineNodeType (int)  : Type of a Node in the pipeline

rlnPipeLineProcessAlias (string) : Alias of a Process in the pipeline

rlnPipeLineProcessName (string) : Name of a Process in the pipeline

rlnPipeLineProcessStatus (int)  : Status of a Process in the pipeline (running, scheduled, finished or cancelled)

rlnPipeLineProcessType (int)  : Type of a Process in the pipeline

rlnPixelSize (double) : Size of the pixels in the references and images (in Angstroms)

rlnPsiStep (double) : Step size (in degrees) for the sampling of the in-plane rotation angle (psi)

rlnRadiusMaskExpImages (int)  : Radius of the circular mask to be applied to all experimental images (in Angstroms)

rlnRadiusMaskMap (int)  : Radius of the spherical mask to be applied to all references (in Angstroms)

rlnRandomSeed (int)  : Seed (i.e. a number) for the random number generator

rlnRandomSubset (int)  : Random subset to which this particle belongs

rlnRandomiseFrom (double) : Resolution (in A) from which the phases are randomised in the postprocessing step

rlnReconstructImageName (string) : Name of an image to be used for reconstruction only

rlnReferenceDimensionality (int)  : Dimensionality of the references (2D/3D)

rlnReferenceImage (string) : Name of a reference image

rlnReferenceSigma2 (double) : Spherical average of the estimated power in the noise of a reference

rlnReferenceSpectralPower (double) : Spherical average of the power of the reference

rlnReferenceTau2 (double) : Spherical average of the estimated power in the signal of a reference

rlnRefsAreCtfCorrected (bool)  : Flag to indicate that the input references have been CTF-amplitude corrected

rlnResolution (double) : Resolution (in 1/Angstroms)

rlnResolutionInversePixel (double) : Resolution (in 1/pixel, Nyquist = 0.5)

rlnResolutionSquared (double) : X-value for Guinier plot: squared resolution in 1/Angstrom^2

rlnSGDGradientImage (string) : Name of image containing the SGD gradient

rlnSamplingPerturbFactor (double) : Factor for random perturbation on the orientational sampling (between 0 no perturbation and 1 very strong perturbation)

rlnSamplingPerturbInstance (double) : Random instance of the random perturbation on the orientational sampling

rlnSamplingRate (double) : Sampling rate of an image (in Angstrom/pixel)

rlnSamplingRateX (double) : Sampling rate in X-direction of an image (in Angstrom/pixel)

rlnSamplingRateY (double) : Sampling rate in Y-direction of an image (in Angstrom/pixel)

rlnSamplingRateZ (double) : Sampling rate in Z-direction of an image (in Angstrom/pixel)

rlnSelected (int)  : Flag whether an entry in a metadatatable is selected (1) in the viewer or not (0)

rlnSgdFinalIterations (int)  : Number of final SGD iterations (at rlnSgdFinalResolution and with rlnSgdFinalSubsetSize)

rlnSgdFinalResolution (double) : Resolution (in A) to use during the final SGD iterations

rlnSgdFinalSubsetSize (int)  : Number of particles in a mini-batch (subset) during the final SGD iteration

rlnSgdInBetweenIterations (int)  : Number of SGD iteration in between the initial ones to the final ones (with linear interpolation of resolution and subset size)

rlnSgdInitialIterations (int)  : Number of initial SGD iterations (at rlnSgdInitialResolution and with rlnSgdInitialSubsetSize)

rlnSgdInitialResolution (double) : Resolution (in A) to use during the initial SGD iterations

rlnSgdInitialSubsetSize (int)  : Number of particles in a mini-batch (subset) during the initial SGD iterations

rlnSgdMaxSubsets (int)  : Stop SGD after doing this many subsets (possibly spanning more than 1 iteration)

rlnSgdMuFactor (double) : The mu-parameter that controls the momentum of the SGD gradients

rlnSgdSigma2FudgeHalflife (int)  : After processing this many particles the multiplicative factor for the noise variance will have halved

rlnSgdSigma2FudgeInitial (double) : The variance of the noise will initially be multiplied with this value (larger than 1)

rlnSgdSkipAnneal (bool)  : Option to switch off annealing of multiple references in SGD

rlnSgdStepsize (double) : Stepsize in SGD updates)

rlnSgdSubsetSize (int)  : The number of particles in the random subsets for SGD

rlnSgdWriteEverySubset (int)  : Every this many iterations the model is written to disk in SGD

rlnSigma2Noise (double) : Spherical average of the standard deviation in the noise (sigma)

rlnSigmaOffsets (double) : Standard deviation in the origin offsets (in Angstroms)

rlnSigmaPriorPsiAngle (double) : Standard deviation of the prior on the psi (i.e. third Euler) angle

rlnSigmaPriorRotAngle (double) : Standard deviation of the prior on the rot (i.e. first Euler) angle

rlnSigmaPriorTiltAngle (double) : Standard deviation of the prior on the tilt (i.e. second Euler) angle

rlnSignalToNoiseRatio (double) : Spectral signal-to-noise ratio for a reference

rlnSkewnessValue (double) : Skewness (3rd moment) for the pixel values in an image

rlnSmallestChangesClasses (int)  : Smallest changes thus far in the optimal class assignments (in numer of particles).

rlnSmallestChangesOffsets (double) : Smallest changes thus far in the optimal offset assignments (in pixels).

rlnSmallestChangesOrientations (double) : Smallest changes thus far in the optimal orientation assignments (in degrees).

rlnSolventMask2Name (string) : Name of a secondary solvent mask (e.g. to flatten density inside an icosahedral virus)

rlnSolventMaskName (string) : Name of an image that contains a (possibly soft) mask for the solvent area (values=0 for solvent, values =1 for protein)

rlnSortedIndex (int)  : Index of a metadata entry after sorting (first sorted index is 0).

rlnSpectralIndex (int)  : Spectral index (i.e. distance in pixels to the origin in Fourier space)

rlnSpectralOrientabilityContribution (double) : Spectral SNR contribution to the orientability of individual particles

rlnSphericalAberration (double) : Spherical aberration (in millimeters)

rlnSsnrMap (double) : Spectral signal-to-noise ratio as defined for MAP estimation (SSNR^MAP)

rlnStandardDeviationValue (double) : Standard deviation for the pixel values in an image

rlnStarFileMovieParticles (string) : Filename of a STAR file with movie-particles in it

rlnSymmetryGroup (string) : Symmetry group (e.g., C1, D7, I2, I5, etc.)

rlnTau2FudgeFactor (double) : Regularisation parameter with which estimates for the power in the references will be multiplied (T in original paper)

rlnTauSpectrumName (string) : Name of a STAR file that holds a tau2-spectrum

rlnTiltAngleLimit (double) : Values to which to limit the tilt angles (positive for keeping side views, negative for keeping top views)

rlnTransversalDisplacement (double) : Transversal displacement (in Angstroms)

rlnUnfilteredMapHalf1 (string) : Name of the unfiltered map from halfset 1

rlnUnfilteredMapHalf2 (string) : Name of the unfiltered map from halfset 2

rlnUseTooCoarseSampling (bool)  : Flag to indicate that the angular sampling on the sphere will be one step coarser than needed to speed up calculations

rlnVoltage (double) : Voltage of the microscope (in kV)

rlnWidthMaskEdge (int)  : Width (in pixels) of the soft edge for spherical/circular masks to be used for solvent flattening