
提供: Eospedia
移動: 案内検索

DataExpress/TclTk/src/tkImgFmtMRCはAPI です。


Define MRC, i.e. gray images and color images.

#define MRC 1


typedef struct tkmrcInfo {
	mrcImage mrc;
	char*    fileName;  /* File Name to be treated */ 
	long     flagHeader;
	long     flagImage; /* Image Array Free or not */

	long flagnz;
	mrcImageParaTypeInteger nz;

	long flagz;
	mrcImageParaTypeReal z;

	long  flagMin;
	float Min;
	long  flagMax;
	float Max;
	long  Inverse; 
	long  flagLog;
	long  flagPower;
	long  flagInfo;
	mrcImageInformation Info;
	long  flagFSInfo;
	mrcFSInfo FSInfo;
	long  flagContrast;
	float Contrast;

	long    flagHist;
	long    nhist;
	double* histgram;
	long    flagScattering;
	long    flagR;
	long    flagScattering2D;
	long    nScattering;
	double* scattering;
	double** scattering2D;
	double  axis;
	double  numDivision;
	double* R;

	long flagProjX;
	mrcImage projX;
	long flagProjY;
	mrcImage projY;

	long flagSectX;
	mrcImage sectX;
	long flagSectY;
	mrcImage sectY;
} tkmrcInfo;


extern int tkmrcInfoCmdSet(Tcl_Interp*  interp); 
extern int tkmrcInfoSetCmd(ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp* interp, int argc, CONST char* argv[]);
extern int tkmrcInfoGetCmd(ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp* interp, int argc, CONST char* argv[]);
extern Tk_PhotoImageFormat tkImgFmtMRC;