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General/Memory is API for memory management.



typedef void* Memory;


Memory Allocation

#define MemoryAllocate(type,num,message) (type*)memoryAllocate(sizeof(type)*(num),message)
extern Memory memoryAllocate(size_t byte, char* message);

Release of memory

#define memoryFree(ptr) free(ptr)

Memory Copy as byte

Copy src to dst.

extern Memory memoryCopy(Memory dst, Memory src, size_t byte);

Allocate memory and Copy src to it.

extern Memory memoryDuplicate(Memory src, size_t byte);

Memory Clear

Data of src is overwritten at n.

extern Memory memoryClear(Memory src, size_t, char n);

Byte swap

Swap between 2 datas as byte. It is useful for converting Endian.

extern Memory memoryByteSwap(Memory src, size_t, int n);

Swap positions is different depending on size_t.

size_t Description
1 No swap
2 Swap 0th byte and 1st byte
4 Swap 0th byte and 3rd byte
Swap 1st byte and 2nd byte
8 At n=0, ... , 3
Swap nth byte and (7-n)th byte