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Objects/DataExpress/psFile is API for PostScript file.


Define of ps file

#define PS_FILE_STATUS_ERROR     (0)
#define PS_FILE_STATUS_OK        (1)
#define PROLOG_STRING_NUM    (11)
#define PROLOG_VERSION        (0)
#define PROLOG_TITLE          (1)
#define PROLOG_CREATOR        (2)
#define PROLOG_FOR            (4)
#define PROLOG_BOUND_BOX      (5)
#define PROLOG_PAGES          (6)
#define PROLOG_DOC_FONTS      (7)
#define PROLOG_END_DOC        (8)
#define PROLOG_END_PRO        (9)

Draw Center marker



Draw Scale


typedef enum psImageScaleMode {
    psImageScaleModeBottomLeft = 1,
    psImageScaleModeCenter     = 2
} psImageScaleMode;


#define PS_IMAGE_SCALE_LINE_LENGTH00 (-10.0)

Draw Contour Mode

#define psContourMode_DifferentLineWidthContour (0x01)
#define psContourMode_SameLineWidthContour      (0x02)

Draw Circle




#define PS_PLOT_MODE_AXIS (0x000000ff)
#define PS_PLOT_MODE_AXIS_X_AXIS_POS (0x00000001) /* 0: Down 1: Up */
#define PS_PLOT_MODE_AXIS_Y_AXIS_POS (0x00000002) /* 0: Left 1: Write */
#define PS_PLOT_MODE_AXIS (0x000000ff)
#define PS_PLOT_SCALE_X_AXIS_LENGTH     (1.0)


Management data

Manage ps file data by using list.

typedef struct psFile {
	FILE* fpt;
	psInfo info;
	long headEnd;
	psPageInfo* current;
	psPageInfo* top;
	psPageInfo* end;
	long byte;
} psFile;
typedef long   psParaTypeInteger;
typedef double psParaTypeReal;

struct of Drawing Setting

typedef struct psImageInfo {
	/* For Image Space */
	psParaTypeReal scaleX;
	psParaTypeReal scaleY;
	psParaTypeReal translateX;
	psParaTypeReal translateY;
	psParaTypeReal angle;

	/* Image Size */
	psParaTypeInteger width;
	psParaTypeInteger height;
	psParaTypeInteger section;
	/* For Contour */
	psParaTypeInteger bps;
	psParaTypeInteger nContour;
	psParaTypeReal* contourLevel;
	/* For Density Image */
	unsigned char* image;
	/* For Contour */
	float* floatImage;
	psParaTypeReal contourLineColorChange;
	psParaTypeReal contourLineWidthStart;
	psParaTypeReal contourLineWidthStep;

	/* For 3D Contour */
	psParaTypeReal eyeX; /* Eye Position */
	psParaTypeReal eyeY;
	psParaTypeReal eyeZ;
	psParaTypeReal pointX; /* Projection Surface Position */
	psParaTypeReal pointY; /* Surface Normal: (position - eye) */
	psParaTypeReal pointZ;

	/* For Colour */
	psParaTypeInteger flagRGBColor;	
	psParaTypeInteger flagRGBGradientColor;	
	psParaTypeReal Red;
	psParaTypeReal Green;
	psParaTypeReal Blue;
	psParaTypeReal RedFirst;
	psParaTypeReal GreenFirst;
	psParaTypeReal BlueFirst;
	psParaTypeReal RedLast;
	psParaTypeReal GreenLast;
	psParaTypeReal BlueLast;
	psParaTypeInteger flagHSBColor;	
	psParaTypeInteger flagHSBGradientColor;	
	psParaTypeReal Hue;
	psParaTypeReal Saturation;
	psParaTypeReal Brightness;
	psParaTypeReal HueFirst;
	psParaTypeReal SaturationFirst;
	psParaTypeReal BrightnessFirst;
	psParaTypeReal HueLast;
	psParaTypeReal SaturationLast;
	psParaTypeReal BrightnessLast;

	/* For Line Colour */
	psParaTypeInteger flagLineRGBColor;	
	psParaTypeInteger flagLineRGBGradientColor;	
	psParaTypeReal LineRed;
	psParaTypeReal LineGreen;
	psParaTypeReal LineBlue;
	psParaTypeReal LineRedFirst;
	psParaTypeReal LineGreenFirst;
	psParaTypeReal LineBlueFirst;
	psParaTypeReal LineRedLast;
	psParaTypeReal LineGreenLast;
	psParaTypeReal LineBlueLast;
	psParaTypeInteger flagLineHSBColor;	
	psParaTypeInteger flagLineHSBGradientColor;	
	psParaTypeReal LineHue;
	psParaTypeReal LineSaturation;
	psParaTypeReal LineBrightness;
	psParaTypeReal LineHueFirst;
	psParaTypeReal LineSaturationFirst;
	psParaTypeReal LineBrightnessFirst;
	psParaTypeReal LineHueLast;
	psParaTypeReal LineSaturationLast;
	psParaTypeReal LineBrightnessLast;

	/* For Circle */
	psParaTypeReal CircleRadius;
	long dummy;
} psImageInfo;

ps file Information

typedef struct psInfo {
    psParaTypeInteger prologInfoNum;
    char**            prologInfo;
	char              label[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
    psParaTypeInteger page;
    psParaTypeInteger status;
} psInfo;

Page Information

typedef struct psPageInfo psPageInfo;
struct psPageInfo {
	psParaTypeInteger page;
	psParaTypeInteger byte;
	long start;
	long end;
	psPageInfo* next;


typedef struct psPlotInfo {
    psParaTypeReal scaleX;
    psParaTypeReal scaleY;
    psParaTypeReal translateX;
    psParaTypeReal translateY;

    psParaTypeReal dX;
    psParaTypeReal dXValue;
    psParaTypeReal minX;
    psParaTypeReal centreX;
    psParaTypeReal maxX;
    char*          labelX;

    psParaTypeReal dY;
    psParaTypeReal dYValue;
    psParaTypeReal minY;
    psParaTypeReal centreY;
    psParaTypeReal maxY;
    char*          labelY;

    psParaTypeInteger nData;
    psParaTypeReal *data;
} psPlotInfo;



Create new ps file Information ps->info->prologInfo allocating memory, and create new ps file ps->fpt.
In addition, define short PostScript commands to use these API.

extern void psFileInit(psFile* ps, psParaTypeInteger mode);

File Read

Read a file fpt, and store to ps.

extern void psFileRead(psFile* ps, FILE* fpt, long mode);

Write Header, Footer, Trailer

Write header to ps file ps->fpt. (Label: ps->info.label, Page No.: ps-> If mode=0, set the origin to a point at side of each 1 cm right top from the left bottom end. Otherwise, set the origin to the left bottom end point.

extern void psFilePageStart(psFile* ps, psParaTypeInteger mode);

Write footer to ps file ps->fpt.

extern void psFilePageEnd(psFile* ps, psParaTypeInteger mode);

Write trailer to ps file ps->fpt.

extern void psFileEnd(psFile* ps);

Check data

If string s is Header, return 1. Otherwise, return 0.

extern long psFileIsStartPage(psFile* ps, char* s);

If string s is Footer, return 1. Otherwise, return 0.

extern long psFileIsEndPage(psFile* ps, char* s);


Basically, these API draw with setting by argument psImageInfo or (#Drawing Setting).

Image data

Write an image data im.image to a ps file ps->fpt.
You can select an image format by the flag (im's member).

extern void psFileImage            (psFile* ps, psImageInfo im, psParaTypeInteger mode);
im's flag Description
flagRGBColor RGB format
flagRGBGradientColor RGB(gradient) format
flagHSBColor HSB format (Not implemented)
flagHSBGradientColor HSB(gradient) format(Not implemented)
Otherwise monochrome 256 gradation format

Flag at upper side takes priority, and they can't be combined.


Draw circles whose radius[pt] is the positive data in im.image. (range: (im.width, imheight)[pt])

extern void psFileImageByCircles   (psFile* ps, psImageInfo im, psParaTypeInteger mode);

Draw a circle to ps. The centre is (cx, cy)[pt], and the radius is r[pt]. Then, you can select a type of circle by using mode.

extern void psFileCircleCreate(psFile* ps, float cx, float cy, float r, long mode);
mode value type of circle
PS_FILL_WHITE_CIRCLE_MODE 1 Fill white circle
PS_FILL_BLACK_CIRCLE_MODE 2 Fill black circle


Set lineWidth to ps.

extern void psFileLineWidthSet     (psFile* ps, float lineWidth);

Draw a line (x1, y1) -> (x2, y2) to ps.

extern void psFileLineDraw(psFile* ps, float x1,float y1,float x2,float y2);


Draw a dendrogram which connects 2 points, to ps. width: Distance between 2 points, heightN: Length of line from point N(N=1, 2), (x, y): Center point on upper line

extern void psFileDendgramLineDraw(psFile* ps, float width,float height1, float height2, float x, float y);


Set fontname, fontsize for ps.

extern void psFileStringStatusSet(psFile* ps, char* fontname, double fontsize);

Set default font setting for ps.

extern void psFileStringDefaultStatusSet(psFile* ps);

Write message at the coordinates(x, y)[pt] to ps.

extern void psFileString (psFile* ps, char* message, double x, double y, psParaTypeInteger mode);


Draw a contour line of im.floatimage to ps.

extern void psFileContour(psFile* ps, psImageInfo im, psParaTypeInteger mode);

Center marker

Draw a center marker to ps.

extern void psFileImageCentre      (psFile* ps, psImageInfo im, psParaTypeInteger mode);


Draw a scale to ps. If mode=psImageScaleModeBottomLeft, draw at left bottom. if mode=psImageScaleModeCenter, draw at left center.

extern void psFileImageScale       (psFile* ps, psImageInfo im, psParaTypeInteger mode);

Drawing Setting

About string and drawing, set the scale as (im.scaleX, im.scaleY)[pt], and set the origin as (im.translateX, im.translateY)[inch].

extern void psFileImageSpaceSet    (psFile* ps, psImageInfo im, psParaTypeInteger mode);

About string and drawing, restore the scale and the origin.

extern void psFileImageSpaceRestore(psFile* ps, psImageInfo im, psParaTypeInteger mode);

About string and drawing, set the rotation angle as im.angle.

extern void psFileImageSpaceRotateSet    (psFile* ps, psImageInfo im, psParaTypeInteger mode);

About string and drawing, restore the rotation angle.

extern void psFileImageSpaceRotateRestore(psFile* ps, psImageInfo im, psParaTypeInteger mode);

Basically, these API uses the process sandwiching between ~Set and ~Restore. Then, Then, the only sandwiched process is affected by ~Set.


psFileImageSpaceSet( Setting1 )
	psFileImageSpaceRotateSet( AngleSetting1 )
		psFileImageSpaceSet( Setting2 )
		psFileImageSpaceRestore( ... )
	psFileImageSpaceRotateRestore( ... )
psFileImageSpaceRestore( ... )

On this example, the effect range of (Setting1) is (Process1) ~ (Process5). Next, the effect range of (Angle Setting1) is (Process2) ~ (Process4). Finally, the effect range of (Setting2) is (Process3). However, the scaleand origin of (Process3) is affected by (Setting2), because it is set after (Setting1).