
提供: Eospedia
移動: 案内検索




オプション 必須項目/選択項目 説明 デフォルト
-i 必須 入力ファイル NULL
-o 必須 出力ファイル NULL
-p 選択 Excluded Area by PDB: Input[PDB] NULL
-P 選択 Excluded Area by PDB: Input[PDBFileList] NULL
-PW 選択 PDBFileList With Info: filename sigma[A]
-sigma 選択 SigmaOfAtom for All: sigma [pixel]x delta[A/pixel] 1.0
-sigmaA 選択 SigmaOfAtom for All: sigma [A] 1.0
-mrc 選択 Excluded Area by mrc: Input[MRC] NULL
-MRC 選択 Excluded Area by MRC: Input[MRCFileList] NULL
-MRCW 選択 MRCFileList with Info: filename contour near[A]
-C 選択 ContourLevel for Exclusion: Density<ContourLevel -> 0 10.
-Near 選択 Near [pixel]: Exclusion Area: near[pixel] x delta [A/pixel] 1.
-NearA 選択 Near [A]: Exclusion Area: near [A] 1.
-r 選択 Restricted Area: Input[mrc] NULL
-R 選択 Restricted Area: InputDataFileList[mrcs] NULL
-contour 選択 ContourLevel for Restriction 10.
-near 選択 Near [pixel]: Restriction Area: near[pixel] x delta [A/pixel] 1.
-nearA 選択 Near [A]: Restriction Area: near[A] 1.
-R 選択 WithInfo: filename contour near[A]
-rP 選択 Restricted Area: InputDataFile[pdb] NULL
-RP 選択 Restricted Area: InputDataFileList[pdbs]: format: filename near[pixel] NULL
-sigmaP 選択 Sigma[pixel]: Restriction Area: sigma x delta [A] 1.
-sigmaPA 選択 Sigma[A]: Restriction Area: sigma [A] 1.
-nearP 選択 Near [pixel]: Restriction Area: near x delta [A] 1.
-nearPA 選択 Near [A]: Restriction Area: near [A] 1.
-RPW 選択 WithInfo: filename near[A] sigma[A]
-delta 選択 delta[A]: (x, y, z) (5, 5, 5)
-sdelta 選択 starting delta[A]: (x, y, z) (5, 5, 5)
-start 選択 start[A]: (x, y, z) (5, 5, 5)
-end 選択 end[A]: (x, y, z) (5, 5, 5)
-maxIter 選択 Max Iteration 1
-startIter 選択 Start Iteration 0
-neglect 選択 neglect: probability for each term: not final probability 1e-4
-c 選択 コンフィグファイル設定 NULL
-m 選択 モードを設定 0
-h 選択 ヘルプを表示  

----- Point Information : Each ID has no space character. -----
ID fix     x y z rootB radius(noUse)
ID unfix   x y z rootB radius
ID connect ID length rootB


モード 説明
