Concerning Display2
How does NEW differ from OPEN under FILE?
NEW creates a new window (a new Display2 process) but OPEN does not create a new one because the same window are used to display a new image.
NEW has the function of NEW WINDOWN under WINDOW + OPEN under FILE.
How can I use ROI (region of interest) button ?
The ROI button on the menu bar (and/or the middle button of your mouse in the case of no draw of ROI) shows what type ROI we are interested in. The ROI types we now support are 'rectangle', 'line' and 'spline'. You cannot select a circle area because of mrc-File format. But you can mask images by circle, using a small tool of mrcImageMasking.
Using 'Extract ROI(Real)' under FILE and Extract(Real) button in RoiInfo under Information, mrcImageROI(rectangle) or mrcImageUnbentROI(spline) will start following ROI area information. In the case of Extract(Vertual), you can get the command of mrcImageROI/mrcImageUnbentROI with the argument information. But the command will be only displayed without performing the command.
How can I suggest the area of ROI ?
After decision of the ROI type, you can create the ROI using the left button of your mouse. In the case of 'line' and 'rectangle', you should push the left button and drag the mouse to create the ROI. In the case of 'spline', you should push the button and drag the mouse some times.
What is EDIT ?
After you created the first version area of ROI, you can cancel, move, resize and rotate the area by pushing the left button of mouse and drag your mouse, follwoing EDIT (and/or the middle button of your mouse).
How can I use WINDOW ?
The new window command creates a new window as the NEW command under FILE except for no open of the desired file. You can open the file using OPEN under FILE.
I know the operation of FFT has some bug. This is a test-version operation. I now try to realize that small tools of Eos can be installed automatedly as OPERATION. Please wait for success of this trial (1997/9/15).
- Display2Info:Infomation
HIGH means the whitest density and LOW means the blackest density. Thus, you can get lighter display or darker display. If HIGH < LOW, you will get the nega-image.
In the case of three-dimensional images, you can get the 2D z-section images using PREVZ(Previous z)/NEXTZ(Next z).
Concerning FFT Operations
Filtering (FFT space)
- mrcFFTFiltering: Filtering follwing space-group.
- mrcImageLowPassFilter: Low pass filtering
- mrcImageHighPassFilter: High pass filtering
- mrcFFTFiltering
-vx, -vy These options indicate two vectors of crystal. -sx, -sy These options indicate the size of window size for filtering.
How to print images and FFT.
You can use a small tool of mrcImagePrint in both cases.
Small tools
How to display a output Eos does not have a general display tool of graph. We usually use gnuplot(free) or Splus(commercial) or Excel(commercial).
What is -c option ?
The "-c" option is one of reserved options. Some tools use this option, while others do not use it. The reserved options are -m, -h, -html and -c.