Eos System Commands
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This shell program prepares a new tool for developers. Usage
$ maketool ClassName ToolName [Action] ClassName: Name of the class where a new tool belongs. ToolName: Name of a new tool Action: All All files and environments will be set up. A new default control file will be supplied. AllFollowingControlFile All files and environments will be supplied following the control file you once prepared except for a main-source file. EnvironmentOnly You will use this argument when you want to use Eos environments and create a new tool which belongs to Eos.
This shell program prepares a new object for developers. Usage
$ maketool ClassName ObjectName [Action] ClassName: Name of the class where a new tool belongs. ObjcectName: Name of a new object Action: All All files and environments will be set up. A new default control file will be supplied. AllFollowingControlFile All files and environments will be supplied following the control file you once prepared except for a main-source file. EnvironmentOnly You will use this argument when you want to use Eos environments and create a new tool which belongs to Eos.
This shell program is used in maketool and makeobj. Usage
$ makegeneral [World] [ClassName] [ObjectName] [Action] World Tools You will use this argument when you create a new tool following Eos. Objects You will use this argument when you create a new object-oriented library ClassName : Class Name to which a new object is attributted ObjectName : Name of object Action All All files and environment will be set up. A new default control file will be supplied. AllFollowingControlFile All files and environment will be supplied following a control file you prepared except for a main-source file. EnvironmentOnly You will use this argument when you want to use Eos environment and create a new tool which belongs to Eos.
Source Code Structure
Enviroment Varilabls Predefined variables
EOS_HOME Eos Top pathname
Used variables inside
WorldHomeDir ${EOS_HOME}/src ObjectClassHomeDir ${WorldHomeDir}/Objects ToolClassHomeDir ${WorldHomeDir}/Tools World Tools | Objects ClassName Class Name of an implemented object/tool ObjectName Name of an implemented object Action Action Name return temporary value of NameRead fucntion
Function General
usage print usage this tool NameList Show directories except for a directory named Config arg1: Name of a directory including named one. Full: arg1 NameShow Show a list of implemented tools/objects/classes. Create ${Full}/Config/Source.lst arg1: full pathname including inplemented arg2: Tools | Objects | Class Full: arg1 Target: arg2 NameRead Get a name of a implemented tool/object/class arg1: Full pathname including a implemented tool/object/class arg2: Tools | Objects | Class Name: Wanted name Full: arg1 Target: arg2 ans: Y|y DirCheckAndMake Check and Create new directories, i.e., ${Full}/${Name} and ${Full}/${Name} arg1: full pathname of a directory including a implemented directory arg2: a directory name to be implemented arg3: Tools | Objects | Class Full: arg1 Name: arg2 World: arg3 ans: Y|y NewNameAddToMakefile Add a new name in Makefile. arg1: Full pathname of Makefile. arg2: name of an implemented tool/class/object. arg3: Class| Objects | Tools Full: arg1 Name: arg2 World: arg3 World : Tools | Objects
WorldNameShow WorldNameRead World: Tools | Objects WorldDirCheckAndMake
Object :
ObjectClassNameShow ObjectClassNameRead ObjectClassName ObjectClassDirCheckAndMake ObjectNameShow ObjectNameRead ObjectName ObjectDirCheckAndMake ObjectActionRead Action: ObjectClassDirModifyFollowingAction ObjectDirModifyFollowingAction
Tool :
ToolClassNameShow ToolClassNameRead ToolClassName ToolClassDirCheckAndMake ToolNameShow ToolNameRead ToolName ToolDirCheckAndMake ToolActionRead Action: ToolClassDirModifyFollowingAction Create src, bin, doc, sccs, src/Tools, src/Config. Create Makefile in Tools ToolDirModifyFollowingAction Create a new tool directory. Register a new tool name in Makefile. Set Eos environment files and directories. Create directories, tool, tool/src etc.. Create Config/Define.inc and Config/Define.inc Set Makefile Set src/Makefile, src/.Depend, and src/.Source Set a option control file. Create prototype source codes.
Template Directory:
${EOS_HOME}/src/Config/Template/ToolTemplate.Dir ${EOS_HOME}/src/Config/Template/ToolClassTemplate.Dir ${EOS_HOME}/src/Config/Template/ToolHomeTemplate.Dir ${EOS_HOME}/src/Config/Template/ObjectTemplate.Dir ${EOS_HOME}/src/Config/Template/ObjectClassTemplate.Dir ${EOS_HOME}/src/Config/Template/ObjectHomeTemplate.Dir