How to create a small tool

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Here, we show easily how to quickly develop Small Tools by using Eos environment. This is supported by maketool(command) and OptionControlFile(configuration file). These provide unified the arguments for input and output of Small Tools, the method of using argument value on main function, the method of using simple version, the manual, and so on.

How to create the directory for develop Small Tools

First, create the directory for development by the following way.

$ maketool ClassName ToolName new

Execute, then it creates directory of "$EOS_HOME/src/Tools/ClassName/ToolName".

It creates the directorys(src, inc, Config, doc) under this.

How to set arguments of Small Tools

Next, set the arguments of Small Tools. Set OptionControlFile before this process.
After setting it,

$ make check
$ cd src
$ make update
$ make depend
$ make 
$ make install

execute as above. Since next time, if you change OptionControlFile,

$ make update

Update init.c, argCheck.c by using the above.

Compile of Small Tools

Compile source code of Small Tools by the following commands and transform to executable command.
$ make check
$ make depend
$ make clean
$ make 
$ make install

In addition, if the relation to library(API) is changed, it also needs to rebuild.

useful support for debug

In genUtil(API), there is API that outputs Log or Debug message. You can use, when you want to check to run.

Mechanism of Special Option and expansion

Eos has Option that can be used commonly by each command. Refer to the detail at Special Option.