pione diagnosis notification

提供: Eospedia
移動: 案内検索

pione diagnosis notificationとは通信テストを行うPIONEコマンドです。(未実装)


オプション 引数の型 引数のデフォルト 説明
--notification-receiver URI Receiver address that notifications are received at
--notification-target URI Target address that notifications are sent to
--timeout N timeout after N second
--type NAME transmitter, receiver, or both
--color BOOLEAN true 出力結果の文字に色を付ける
--debug [TYPE] system デバッグモードで実行
-h [FORMAT] txt ヘルプを表示
-v なし なし バージョンを表示



$ pione diagnosis notification
info: Notification message has been sent to "pnb://".
info: Notification receiver is waiting at "pnb://".
info: Notification message has been sent to "pnb://".
info: Notification has been received from "".
info: Receiver has touched transmitter at "druby://".
info: The notification target and receiver address seem fine: ["pnb://"] and