Electron Tomography
Electron Tomography is one of 3D Reconstruction using electron microscope. It is the method that reconstruct 3D image by electron micrographs which is projected the same photo field for several angle, then it creates Tomogram by using computer.
In the following, describe its method in order.
take tilt-series images
1 Axis Tilt(Center is untilted image) |
2 Axis Tilt(Center is untilted image)(as 90° rotation image for 1 Axis Tilt's image) |
Image Correction
Tilt-series image's defocus is larger than normal electron photograph's one, because it is taken as whole field is underfocus. In this case, CTF Correction is not required, because outside data of 1st thon ring don't have almost information if you use electron gun as LaB6. But, in the case of using field-emission electron gun (FEG), note that you might get a incorrect data.
Rough Alignment
Align roughly each tilt image by using the correlation among images around center.
# For Windowing WIN_X=0.2 WIN_X_MAX=0.2 WIN_Y=0.1 WIN_Y_MAX=0.1 WIN_MODE=18
make Windowing
e.g. case of images whose interval is 2 degree
Align 2° image to 0° image.
Align 4° image to Aligned 2° image.
Align 6° image to Aligned 4° image.
case of using mrcImageCorrelation
Example 1
make CorFit1
Fine Alignment
Example 1(Alignment of tilt axis)
# RotMode ROTMODE=ZOYS # Rot1 ROT1MIN=10 ROT1MAX=10 ROT1D=10 # Rot2 ROT2MIN=-60 ROT2MAX=60 ROT2D=2 # Rot3 ROT3MIN=0 ROT3MAX=0 ROT3D=30 ### For mrcImageMove SHIFT2MAX=10 SHIFT3MAX=0 ### For mrcImageTiltAxisSearch TILTMIN=0 TILTMAX=20 TILTN=10 TILTITER=1 TILTSCALE=5
make TiltFit
Before correction | ||
After correction | ||
xy-plane | yz-plane | zx-plane |
Example2(Repeatedly Alignment of tilt axis)
# For mrcImageTiltAxisSearch IN_TILT_EXT=roi # RotMode ROTMODE=ZEYR # Rot1 ROT1MIN=1 ROT1MAX=1 ROT1D=1 # Rot2 ROT2MIN=-60 ROT2MAX=60 ROT2D=10 # Rot3 ROT3MIN=0 ROT3MAX=0 ROT3D=10 ### For mrcImageTiltAxisSearch TILTMIN=-10 TILTMAX=10 TILTN=10 TILTITER=100 TILTSCALE=5
make TiltFit
0.084 0.161 0.230 0.294 0.345 ... 0.701 0.700 0.685 0.706 0.701
3D Reconstruction
Min Max |
0 (0, 0, 0) 4 (31, 26, 26) |
Example1 (Reconstruction of 1 axis tilt)
# For Reconstruction IN_3D_EXT=fit # RotMode ROTMODE=YOYS # Rot1 ROT1MIN=-60 ROT1MAX=60 ROT1D=2 # Rot2 ROT2MIN=0 ROT2MAX=0 # Rot3 ROT3MIN=0 ROT3MAX=0
make 3DList make Input.3d
Min Max |
-0.00437076 (39, 34, 36) 0.00799233 (37, 34, 36) |
Example2 (Reconstruction of 2 axis tilt)
make all
Output Information file
DataA_006.mrcsmth-0000.roi Rect 0.000000 0.000000 63.000000 0.000000 63.000000 63.000000 0.000000 63.000000
Min Max |
-9.32199 (29, 37, 34) 21.995 (40, 35, 32) |
Example3 (Reconstruction of 2 axis tilt with Double)
.roilst.mrc3d: # mrc2Dto3D -I $*.roilst -o $*.mrc3d -single 0 -InterpolationMode 2 -m 1 mrc2Dto3D -I $*.roilst -o $*.mrc3d -Double -InterpolationMode 2 -m 1
Min Max |
-10360.9 (41, 24, 0) 8132.05 (40, 35, 31) |
3D Reconstruction with Radon Transform)
Aligned 2D image list
Sinogram list
3D Radon file
Example 1
make Radon3D
xy-plane | yz-plane | zx-plane |
Min Max |
1.84923e+06 (0, 59, 28) 1.17991e+07 (34, 31, 30) |
### RadonTransform RBP_MODE=4 RBP_OPTION=-Rmin 0.05 -Rmax 0.1
make Radon3D
xy-plane | yz-plane | zx-plane |
Min Max |
-344789 (25, 25, 0) 631546 (37, 34, 28) |
Problems of Electron Tomography image
Missing Area
Min Max |
0 (0, 0, 0) 2 (29, 29, 14) |
TILTAXISNUMBER=1 # Single: 1 Double: 2
make Target.ini2d make TestData2DSet make all
Min Max |
-0.00330818 (52, 36, 32) 0.00425516 (13, 37, 32) |
TILTAXISNUMBER=2 # Single: 1 Double: 2
make Target.ini2d1 make TestData2DSetDouble make all
Min Max |
-0.00248567 (12, 38, 32) 0.00344027 (13, 37, 32) |
Problem of position and focus of image
Correction of parallel transform
Determine axis
Image Process for Tomograph
Min Max |
-0.00268221 (76, 92, 66) 0.00642324 (89, 42, 71) |
Min Max |
-0.00136636 (75, 42, 133) 0.00292404 (94, 65, 68) |
Because tomogram contains a variety of structures, it requires tasks such as cutting out a segment of interest from the 3D image. Support software is required for it. There is cutting out from 2D image in some cases.
Cut out 3D image
Min Max |
-0.00136636 (75, 42, 133) 0.00292404 (94, 65, 68) |
Min Max |
-0.0012017 (5, 9, 13) 0.00263957 (13, 6, 15) |
Cut out 2D image
Operation movie: (.mov) (.mp4)
Tilted Image(Multiple 2D images)(Prepared) ↓ Set range of cutting out.(Display2: untilted image only) Information file for cutting out untilted image(ROIInformation) ↓ Calculate the range of cutting out tilted images.(Currently, Makefile performs this process.) Information file for cutting out each tilted image ↓ Cut out images(mrcImageROIs) Multiple cut out image files(Number of cutting out × Number of tilted image) ↓ Alignment(mrcImageCorrelarion + Makefile's process) Aligned information file for cutting out (Number of tilted image) ↓ Cut out images again.(mrcImageROIs) (* It resets the position and cut out them.) Aligned image(ROI)file(Number of cutting out × Number of tilted image) ↓ Create Angle Information file.(Makefile performs this process.) Angle Information file(Number of cutting out) ↓ 3D Reconstruction(mrc2Dto3D) 3D image(Number of cutting out)
Example1(Subtomogram of 1 axis tilt)
make all
Select ranges of cutting out, and determine by Edit->OK. |
If you wish to cut out multiple images, select ROI->MultiROI. |
This time, Extracting "Information" only is enough for automatically cutting out. Push the save button that is right side of "InfoFileName" on "ROI Information" window, then the file is created. |
p1_031-0000.roi Rect 20 30 60 30 60 70 20 70 p1_031-0001.roi Rect 15 75 55 75 55 115 15 115 p1_031-0002.roi Rect 25 110 65 110 65 150 25 150 p1_031-0003.roi Rect 45 0 85 0 85 40 45 40 p1_031-0004.roi Rect 60 50 100 50 100 90 60 90 p1_031-0005.roi Rect 55 80 95 80 95 120 55 120 p1_031-0006.roi Rect 55 120 95 120 95 160 55 160 p1_031-0007.roi Rect 85 15 125 15 125 55 85 55 p1_031-0008.roi Rect 85 51 125 51 125 91 85 91 p1_031-0009.roi Rect 85 91 125 91 125 131 85 131 p1_031-0010.roi Rect 93 130 133 130 133 170 93 170 p1_031-0011.roi Rect 115 25 155 25 155 65 115 65 p1_031-0012.roi Rect 120 60 160 60 160 100 120 100 p1_031-0013.roi Rect 123 100 163 100 163 140 123 140 p1_031-0014.roi Rect 115 140 155 140 155 180 115 180 p1_031-0015.roi Rect 152 152 192 152 192 192 152 192
-60° | 0° |
60° |
xy-plane | |
yz-plane | |
zx-plane |
Example2(Subtomogram of 2 axis tilt)
x-axis tilt | |||
y-axis tilt |
make all
DataA_006-0000.roi Rect 0.722314 137.147614 33.000000 106.000000 49.053597 122.636041 16.775911 153.783654 DataA_006-0001.roi Rect 15.000000 79.000000 42.000000 79.000000 42.000000 107.000000 15.000000 107.000000 DataA_006-0002.roi Rect 13.000000 39.000000 58.000000 39.000000 58.000000 64.000000 13.000000 64.000000 DataA_006-0003.roi Rect 41.000000 129.000000 84.000000 129.000000 84.000000 154.000000 41.000000 154.000000 DataA_006-0004.roi Rect 51.000000 85.000000 82.000000 85.000000 82.000000 119.000000 51.000000 119.000000 DataA_006-0005.roi Rect 47.269722 69.494676 78.455043 40.316766 95.000000 58.000000 63.814679 87.177909 DataA_006-0006.roi Rect 66.000000 4.000000 92.000000 4.000000 92.000000 44.000000 66.000000 44.000000 DataA_006-0007.roi Rect 77.597890 150.922358 95.484138 132.052220 120.886248 156.129861 103.000000 175.000000 DataA_006-0008.roi Rect 93.000000 92.000000 115.000000 92.000000 115.000000 132.000000 93.000000 132.000000 DataA_006-0009.roi Rect 100.000000 51.000000 121.000000 51.000000 121.000000 93.000000 100.000000 93.000000 DataA_006-0010.roi Rect 98.589377 19.087800 119.760822 10.100593 135.000000 46.000000 113.828555 54.987208 DataA_006-0011.roi Rect 122.000000 141.000000 146.000000 141.000000 146.000000 184.000000 122.000000 184.000000 DataA_006-0012.roi Rect 136.883039 95.213292 160.000000 104.000000 144.116961 145.786708 121.000000 137.000000 DataA_006-0013.roi Rect 127.000000 73.000000 146.061183 60.635990 169.000000 96.000000 149.938817 108.364010 DataA_006-0014.roi Rect 140.000000 22.000000 177.361289 43.286947 166.470292 62.402025 129.109004 41.115078 DataA_006-0015.roi Rect 163.000000 152.000000 183.000000 152.000000 183.000000 190.000000 163.000000 190.000000
xy-plane | |
yz-plane | |
zx-plane |
Interpretation of 3D Reconstruction
Averaging of Subtomograms
xy-plane | yz-plane | zx-plane |
xy-plane | |
yz-plane | |
zx-plane |
Min Max |
-0.0012017 (5, 9, 13) 0.00263957 (13, 6, 15) |
xy-plane | |
yz-plane | |
zx-plane |
Min Max |
-0.000536652 (6, 13, 12) 0.00177258 (13, 17, 13) |
xy-plane | |
yz-plane | |
zx-plane |
Min Max |
-5.47817 (34, 19, 20) 16.0715 (31, 22, 19) |
xy-plane | |
yz-plane | |
zx-plane |
Because each 3D subtomogram image has different "Missing Area". Thus the correlation value of the orientation that is included in not both of them is Considerably lower.
Min Max |
-2.32263 (22, 29, 20) 5.20816 (19, 24, 22) |